Sunday, January 31, 2010

January - Month in Review

I can't believe the first month of the year is behind us already! I am making good progress towards some goals and well, not much progress at all towards others. That is the beauty of these monthly reflections -- they keep me honest and help me redirect as needed in the months to come.

January In Numbers
Bike: 7h 55m - 126.6 Mi
Run: 8h 25m - 55 Mi
Swim: 4h 00m - 8,900 Yd
Other/Strength: 10h 10m
Total Active Time - 30h 30m

Stretching: 3:45

Goal Tracking
1. Reading the Bible cover to cover -- I am a couple of weeks behind schedule. My goal for February is to not fall any more behind schedule and to hopefully catch up a day or two.

2. Photography -- unfortunately, my camera was in the repair shop most of the month after salt water got in the lens after a trip to Sea World. I am looking forward to taking Tyler's 3 year old photos in February.

3. Weekly stretching -- on track, minus this last week

4. Nutrition -- I am still living in a state of dehydration, so if I do nothing else toward my goals in February, my goal is to stay hydrated! I haven't needed a recovery drink yet, but am looking forward to trying it out soon.

5. Strength Training -- great progress here too. I had my first meeting with the personal trainer and the first workout was not ab specific enough for me, although it kicked my arse. I have heard good things about the P90x ab workout, so I may look into that too.

6. Swim Technique -- stay tuned, I was not swimming much in Jan, but am planning a serious come back this month.

7. Fun goals -- I deferred the Ultra, but all other goals are still in place.


Unknown said...

Nice month, Anne!! Great job on the stretching especially...I'm doing better, but still not where I should be!!

jessithompson said...

Love the idea of "Goal tracking"... very cool way to keep it on the forefront. Finally did my 10 things post from your tag. :)

Mark said...

Great goals Anne. I have such a love/hate relationship with stretching myself. No excuses, I could always sit at home at night and stretch my Gumby (a.k.a. my wife, who is a professional dancer.)

Hydration... hmmm... rings a bell, yes... sounds familiar. I need to get one of those 70 ounce Flume hydrapacks and wear it on my back all day. Do you think the beer would go flat?