Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year In Review

2009 was an incredible year for me personally. I turned 30 and accomplished two big goals - a sub 4 hour marathon and an Ironman finish. It is easy to lose perspective when you are living this lifestyle -- at least for me -- and I sometimes have to take a step back and remind myself of the awesomeness of the feats I tackled this year.

The good thing about perspective is that is keeps me humble (I hope!), reminds me not to rest on my laurels and in the grand scheme of things, reminds me that these endurance sports I enjoy so much are hobbies. I know that I am not curing cancer or inventing something that is going to change the lives of millions ... but I am changing my life and hopefully setting a good example for my boys.

So, as this year draws to a close, we will be celebrating the end of a memorable year and toasting to even better things to come. The best to you and yours for 2010!

Mileage for 2009
Swim: 286,862 yards or 163 miles in 116:09:00 -- approximately the distance from Houston to Austin. 3x the volume of 2008!
Bike: 4058 miles in 240:14:00 -- approximately the distance from Houston to Lake Tahoe and back! 3x the volume of 2008!
Run: 1451 miles in 219:38:00 -- approximately the distance from Houston to Baltimore (I could have run to see Trishie!). A 60% increase from 2008!

Total Time: 577:33:00


Lora Abernathy said...

Anne, that's just awesome! Way to have a goal-reaching year!

Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing!! What a year. Here's to 2010 (imagine our champagne glasses clinking!)

Big Daddy Diesel said...

That is down right impressive, congrats